







基于种种因素(包括为了避免诗巴丹急速遭受污染;预防海盗轻易挟持人质),诗巴丹不再让旅客留宿。并且所有到潜者都必须向有关当局申请准证。即便是诸多刁难,诗巴丹的呼唤依旧醉人,皮皮完全无法抗拒。于是皮皮入住Sipadan-Kapalai Dive Resort,入住海中央--在房里就可以轻易窥视海底世界的动静。实在难忘那暖而凉的海风,轻快的海浪声,还有房前懒散的刺魟。单纯在海上都已经如痴如醉了,何况是到海底去呢!

Sipadan Kapalai Resort
Photo courtesy: Teddy



2010 New Year Celebration goes WILD!!

我身骑铁马 Red RIDING Bike

Since everyone was pretty busy lately, so our team (oh, this sounded professional) rested for nearly 5 months. The "tyre" on PiPi's waist was as flat like the bike's.

This time, we entered from a small track. No up or down, just plain bumpy and muddy. Extended branches hit hard on our faces.Using bicycle gears reduced the demand for stamina. PiPi reached the rest point quite easily. Others were not tired as well, so we decided to have a quick rest and returned.

The return track meant going downhill - everyone's favourite, except for PiPi. Last night rainfall had messed up the hill, and our tyres could slip easily. Water in potholes affected our visual judgment. On several occasion, PiPi almost crashed into deep potholes. For PiP, this was definitely a demanding and taxing challenge. Anyway, PiPi avoided applying the brake, and bravely descended the slope. Both hands held tightly onto the shaky handles, PiPi could feel the bike was about to blow apart. Both hands were already numb, and buttock bumped. At last, PiPi was back on the normal track, whisking along.

P/S: After the long rest period, many equipment had "retired". The worst was that the shoe pads fell off. Stepping on metal pedals with canvas shoes was a torture. "It is time to change to a new shoe loh!" Captain said.

















你最珍贵 Preciously Redang

Waves surrounding the island danced passionately. Waves were hot. The sky was blue, the sea was blue, yet PiPi was red (because of sun-burn). The first and last time when PiPi visited Redang was 4 years ago.

Berjaya Redang Resort

在这里,曾经献上了皮皮的第一次---潜水初体验。潜水这玩意儿真的是见仁见智的活动。沁就不太喜欢了---她坚持自己是属于陆地的。而皮皮 。。。。。。
Here, PiPi had her very 1st time -- of scuba diving. Scuba diving really is a very subjective activity. Sum did not like it at all -- She declared firmly that she belongs to the land. However, PiPi begged to differ.... ...

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Few years later, PiPi was back at Redang again. The people had not changed, with the same passion. Even the fish had not changed, with the same passion. This time, PiPi did not mind about the comfort of accommodation, and did not mind about the facilities of the resort. What mattered most was the treasures under the sea.

这次找了Gipsy Divers当响导。原本打算去曦潜,却因为前一晚热闹的派对而睡过了日出。匆匆地吃过了早饭后,就换上了潜水衣并开始装备。8点钟的海风还是冷咧咧地,海水却是暖和的。由于海面潮水波动幅度相当大,大家跃入海水后,径自下潜等候。人齐后,大家沿着珊瑚壁,顺着潮水流向,往北而去。没一会儿,皮皮依稀看到一个巨型的身躯,形状古怪的在海床上匍匐。渐游渐近时,皮皮看清楚了她的轮廓--是海龟啊!!大家都放轻呼吸,皮皮固然是欣喜若狂,可不敢轻举妄动,皮皮可不想因为赶走了海龟而成为千夫所指。大家抓紧时机,猛按相机快门。皮皮的傻瓜相机在远处也照不了什么好样儿的的,索性静静地欣赏海龟的一举一动。或许大家的热情让海龟受不了,她快速地游离我们了。
This time, PiPi dived with the Gipsy Divers. Our initial plan was to dive at dawn. We all missed it because of a late night and crazy party. So, we quickly had our breakfast. We changed into our wetsuits and started assembling the equipment. The wind was still cold at 8am, but the sea water was warm. As the surface current was strong, we descended immediately and gathered under the water. After assembly, we followed the reef wall on our left, and allowed the current to push us towards the north. Soon, PiPi noticed a giant figure crawling on the seabed. When PiPi got closer to the creature, Pipi realized it was a sea turtle!! Everyone held their breathing. Of course, PiPi was excited, but PiPi did not approach the sea turtle any nearer. PiPi did not want to scare the sea turtle away and received blame from other buddies. Everyone started taking pictures of the sea turtle. From such a distance, PiPi's compact camera was practically useless. So, PiPi simply relaxed and enjoyed her every move. Perhaps, the sea turtle couldn't stand our excitement, and she quickly swam away.

We continued to search for more treasures on the reef wall. PiPi started seriously to take more photographs of PiPi's all-time favourite 'Nemo', stingray, nudibranch ... While PiPi enjoyed her photo shooting, she was not ware being left behind. Suddenly, not even one fin was in sight. Then, Pipi spotted the sea turtle again -- it had softly swum close to PiPi and stopped on the reef right in front of PiPi. She gazed at PiPi and PiPi looked her in her eyes. She blinked and swam away. PiPi hesitated whether to follow, or to catch up with other dive buddies. She turned back, taking note of PiPi's hesitance. She once again returned to PiPi. PiPi wanted to hug her so much. This was indeed a wonderful moment.

Redang always surprised PiPi. This time, close encounter with the sea turtle will make memory even fonder.

看我飞檐走壁~~ I'm a ROCKstar

地点 / Location: www.camp5.com

On the perpendicular gray wall, many rocks littered here and there like stars in the sky. They appeared random, but there was a certain hidden pattern formation.

PiPi climbed towards the top of the wall. Both her hands grasped feebly onto any protruding edge of a rock. Both her legs simply stepped on any rock, looking for body-weight support. After a while, when both her hands lost the holding strength, PiPi was already at a height of 10m from the ground. PiPi was weak now, almost ready to fall anytime. PiPi felt like letting go her hands. When PiPi looked down, the people below appeared as small as Lego toys. From such a height, what will be the speed of the free-fall? What's the chance of surviving upon impact? PiPi became hesitant, and regretted climbing!

Our pants were fitted with harnesses and our belts were securely tightened. The professional rock climbing instructor attached a rope onto PiPi's harness. This rope then passed through an anchor at the top of the wall. The other end was held by the instructor as a belayer. Now PiPi and the instructor formed a team. Besides co-ordination, we must trust each other. (Should PiPi slip and fall, the instructor will definitely hold on to the rope, so that PiPi will not be crushed to the ground).

After relaxing her nerves and warming up her muscles, PiPi started by holding onto bigger rock wherever possible. When her right hand reached out for a rock, her right foot also stepped on a supporting rock. Both her right hand and right leg then lifted her body upwards, so that her left hand can reach out for a higher rock. PiPi slowly made her way to the top of the wall. At first, PiPi thought the climb will be as easy as climbing a ladder. PiPi realized soon enough that she was wrong. The rocks were 'randomly' distributed. Fear of altitude grew as PiPi climbed higher. PiPi relied completely on a tiny rope.

抖个不停的双手再也无力往更高处攀爬了。皮皮频频听见教练的打气声,也听见他给的指示该抓上哪一个石块。可惜双手完全不听使唤,就像发了链条地抖抖抖。教练凭着经验,老早就知道像只壁虎一动不动的皮皮要掉下来了。教练将绳子拉紧,开始游说皮皮松开手了。皮皮固然知道总得坠落的,可是双手却不肯放开。在这么高处掉下去可不是开玩笑的。皮皮陷入了前所未有的窘境,拼命说服自己的双手放开。就在苦命挣扎的内心纠结,双手再也撑不下去了。。。 。。。
Both her hands were shaking and PiPi was unable to move on. The instructor encouraged and helped out by instructing which next rock to reach out for. Alas, PiPi's hands kept shaking beyond control. The experienced instructor knew that PiPi had stopped climbing and just stuck on the wall like a lizard, and PiPi will fall soon. The instructor held fast the rope and persuaded PiPi to let go. Although PiPi realized that letting go was unavoidable, yet her hands simply would not let go. It was certainly no joke to fall from such a great height. PiPi now faced an un-precedent dilemma. PiPi kept telling the hands to let go, and finally both hands could not sustain the grip anymore ... ...

啊。。。 。。。皮皮疯狂地尖叫 。。。 哦,这么没有感觉到坠落呢?原来绳子拉紧后就已经将皮皮固定着了。瞎紧张了,真的是正宗的惊死。嘻。
AAARRRR........ PiPi screamed and yelled ... Opps, why no sense of falling? Actually, the rope had been locked in position. Phew, it was a false alarm. Hehehe.

Spiderman Part II: If there is another chance, PiPi would like to try out an outdoor rock climbing. The view from the top will be very majestic. The fear factor will be even greater. It will be a wild excitement!!