瀑布果冻 Waterfall Pudding

地点/Location: Chiling Fall (21 kilometers from Kuala Kubu Bharu)

Grandda Sun had woke up. After opening the window curtain, he looked out and showed his glorious smile. Today, he was early and in a good mood.

瀑布的入口处位于徊迂的路旁,立着一个木色告示牌,清楚地写着Santuari Sungai Chiling。车子就停放入口处附近的一个垃圾箱旁。垃圾箱叮咛着进入瀑布的旅客必须完整地离开--即所有带进去的食物,即使变成垃圾依旧要带离瀑布。
At the waterfall entrance, there was, right beside the road, a wooden signboard, clearly stated "Santuari Sungai Chiling". Cars were parked next to a rubbish bin near the entrance. The rubbish bin reminded visitors that they must return as a whole, i.e. all food that were brought in, even though they became rubbish, must be brought away from the waterfall.

Sunblock oilment was sprayed on limbs, and was rubbed on faces; Mosquito repellent from lipsticks also was rubbed on limbs. Little Wei earnestly applied them everywhere on her body. As for food like grapes, instant noodles, sandwishes, potato chips, chocolates; drinks, mineral water, orange juice, coffee, Roger carefully placed them into the backpack. Hearing the faint waterfall music, PiPi proceeded with light steps in leaps and bounces.

Trees on both sides of the lane tickled visitors with their extended branches. Politely, PiPi pushed aside those branches. Plastic shoes on muddy lane produced some annoying sounds. As the trees became taller, and when the waterfall sound became louder, we reached a little stream. By this time, PiPi realised that six streams have to be crossed before reaching the waterfall.

Because of a rainfall yesterday night, the deepest place in the stream had grown to a depth up to our waists. Although Grandda Sun was still smiling passionately, the water stream had turned cold like chilled pudding. Water flew with varying speeds. The rubber shoes that PiPi wore made walking on the slippery stones very difficult. Carrying a backpack on the back, PiPi tried to balance herself by bending down like a turtle, and crossed the stream gingerly. It was unavoidable that our cloths got wet. At least, her backpack was protected like the shell on the turtle. The camera and handphone inside were happily dry and safe. After crossing the first stream, we were soaked through. We were all eager to reach the waterfall soonest, so that we could clean ourselves comfortably. For the remaining five streams, we crossed with wet clothing.

© Roger

Upon seeing the waterfall, PiPi dropped the backpack in the first instance, and rushed into the embrace of the waterfall. The water was icy-cold. With only her head above the water, PiPi really looked like a Peanut Pudding.

Shivering in the cold, PiPi laid down on the big boulder stone at the swallow place and slumbered. Grandda Sun was laughing at her. PiPi enjoyed the comfort of sunshine while listening to the waterfall music.


但是我其实是不太会弄甜品的。。。上次吃过yee tong弄的蛋挞,这次他为了庆祝考试过关再弄一次给我吃Yeah~



(这里要用低筋面粉:高低筋就是在于弹性上的差别。低筋面粉没有弹性甚至有点脆,适合做饼干之类的;高筋面粉很有弹性,适合弄面条之类的。)- 两个量米用的杯
牛油 - 很多咯!~差不多1/3到1/2盒。牛油记得要加热弄融,放微波炉还是什么。或者你用液状Magerine应该也是可以,而且比较健康。但是不要买固体状的Margarine哦~因为他们经过不天然的加氢,最后还是变成饱和脂肪。。。(讲课讲课)
- 半粒(不用讲,我知道你在想什么,很白痴加浪费对吧?我也是这么觉得:P)
- 两汤匙左右吧~
- 用手指捏一两小巴,看清楚啊~是手指,不是手掌!:P
白醋 - 一茶匙(我不知道为什么要,放一放咯)
- 两茶匙(我觉得有点少,4汤匙都可以)

就这样,揉啊揉,揉揉揉; row啊row,row啊row, row row row your boat。。。喂!回来~



牛奶 - 一杯 (不要给人喝掉哦~)
- 很多下,也是一杯。
- waiter,给我再来一杯!~(好像在酒吧喝酒酱:P)
- 我记得是一粒蛋再加一粒蛋黄。那蛋白呢?又要浪费了,拿来辅脸吧你要的话。还有之前的半粒蛋倒在这里应该没有问题的。什么?你倒掉了?还是吃掉了?那就算了吧:P。。。
Vanilla(香草)香精 - 一茶匙,或四五滴就好。我在想如果用pandan香精应该也不错一下,我超喜欢pandan味:P





When the day melbourne is one hour closer to malaysia, CaMeLoDy wake up early (5am) in the morning just to do something meaningful.

I am going to participate in run for the kids! (for full story on event, read http://www.runforthekids.com.au/) and Melody is going to be volunteer on the event. I have participated in a white zone aka 5.7km walk.

Why we need to wake up that early?! the event start at 8am but Weribee public transport won't get us there until 8:30am (poor services on weekend!), we need to drive in early to find a free parking along the road (this is kiam siap way).

When we are there around 6am, the parking start filling up and luckily we just got a parking spot next to the event! Hurray!!

These are the mobile toilets that found in event

First, go to toilet before the run, after come out, I feel i am at least 2kg lighter! :P

Mix 101.1 - our favourite radio channel in the morning

Walk around and found the channel We listen in the morning! too bad the Tom and bridgy are hosting it!

Sponsor drinks!
This is the sponsor drinks booth! powerage drink and water bottle!

the map! the blue is the one i am running

Welby! is West Melboune-ny?
The run start around 8:15am and i take a picture with this before my start...
the most hilarous thing is before i able to step on the start, the first runner actually finish the half 8 and meet us at the starting point ...

The walk started! Initially three of us start walking. Ming start to run after 0.5km and told me to meet in front.
I continue walking and Alex accompanied me until 2.5km and he want to start jogging so left myself to continue my journey!

I am nearly there.. gee, it is a uphill!

I continue to walk ... gee! i am at 4km already! and continue i walk...

Hurray! I am at the finish line around 1:18:43!

Hurray! i am at the finish line around 1:18:43!

Melody and friends took a picture before departing

After the event, i think i am more confident and we have registered for

Mother day fun walk 4KM WALK Sunday 10 May 2009


Next year, i promise to walk 14.1km next year same event!

SO, see you next time for my next run

Updated: my official result is 1:11:09 and it is on the newspaper and http://www.runforthekids.com.au/r4k/r4k2009Results/Default.aspx (very slow though)

RaceSurnameFirstnameGenderPlaceTimeGender PlaceAge RangeAge Ranking
5.7KMLimJian AnMALE878601:11:09296925 to 29385Select