越野车的伸延 / Zigzag the ATV

参考网站/Reference: http://www.whoa-adventures.com

Roaring motor, muddy road, disgusting worm...it has became my natural reaction to dislike these after many-many years of sitting in the comfortable office. But, once I ride on an ATV, roaring motor awaken my agitated wildness, rough road challenged my playful mind, forest worm flirted my naughty curiosity. ATV, the wilder the crazier!

The difficult of riding an ATV is about the usage of gears. Apart from normal cars, ATV does not have a screen to show the gear, the speed, even the amount of petrol. That's why the skill does matter. This baby ride has a leader baby fed us, by telling us what to do, and how to do it. Pretty simple.

This leisure ride has two steep slope (about 50 degree) to dash on. Last night rain has made the road even muddier. The leader has to put some stones on those particularly slippery part for the tyer to hang on it. The leader even push from the back of the ATV when it is needed.

We chilling out with cold waterfall. Enjoying the beauty of calm yet active waterfall. The mystery forest became even more glamorous with the waterfall.

Our delicious lunch concluded this wild journey with perfection!

Soft and fat crab meat, with sweet & sour pastes, we just couldn't resist.

The meehoon has fully absorbed the taste of crab, truly the best crab meehoon in town.

The prawn soup is just marvelous.

番外片 / P/S:
The ATV is meant for one rider. So, when the ATV dashing on the slope, the pillion rider has to walk themselves. I found this quiet grasshopper on my way walking up.















封港疯狂潜 Monsoon Madness Dive

对于在季候风季节潜水仅是一知半解 --- 每每这个季节,所有潜水活动都告一段落,因为这个时候去潜水是很危险的。于是我想象中的海是波涛汹涌,是惊涛骇浪,是很危险的。在这么一个画面下,我竟然参加了一个封港前的潜水团。疯狂!如此疯狂就为了试用新买的浮力补偿器。疯狂!
All I know about Monsoon is --- during this season, all scuba diving activities are suspended. Because it is very dangerous to dive. Thus, I've set the scary scene in mind --- building-heights wave, thunder storms, and very dangerous. Somehow (and I didn't know how), I've joined a monsoon dive (with such a scary scene in my mind). MAD!! Being such mad was just to try on my new BCD. MAD!!

With such a mission to complete, I did not carry my underwater camera along. I was busy adjusting bouyancy, busy adjusting weights, busy busy busy. Although the water wasn't that scary as I thought it gonna be, but the up-down-left-right surge have make me want to scream. This indeed is a swashbuckling tale of adventure!! Wookay, more dives next year!!!

'coz of the surge, the visibility underwater was kinda bad. Soaking in the chicken soup definitely was not a good idea. So, our madness dive turned out to be a madness party.

惧猫症的我颤抖地拍了这只小猫咪。挺可爱的说,只要离我远一点!Despite of my catphobia, this cute kitty was cute, if she kept herself far away from me!

夜幕低垂,街灯孤芳自赏。Silent of the night.

感动Kanching / Kanching, in search of childhood memory

On the shoulder, the water falls on.
The body and the soul, the water cleans up.

When I was a little girl, picnic at waterfall was my favourite outing trip. Ponpon always like to do like what Ninjas do -- stand under the waterfall and let the water falls right on the body. I wonder if Ponpon has then become a Ninja? Putput was too young to go into the water. He was always on the buoy, enjoying the cooling mount water. As I'm missing the most -- that's Lim Me's Nasi Lemak. Milky rice, Sweet & Spicy curry chicken, and don't forget my semi-setup egg ^_^

This Kanching trip was extraordinary with enthusiastic photographers. In view of their DSL cameras, my compact digital camera could take a break. I then became the model for photography, my very first time modelling. Wow, it wasn't an easy pissy job, not at all, 'cause I just couldn't move at all. In order to capture the speedy flow of waterfall, the shuttle speed has been adjusted to the slowest, and if I moved a little, the whole Me in the shooting will be $"£DFG£$%£$. Under the knick-knock-knack of the waterfall, not only I couldn't make any move, I also have to remain nice and elegant posture. Therefore, I've left plenty of rooms for improvement. Haha.

哈基米医生的作品 :)
Photos from Dr Hakimi :)

With the head in the water, I hold my breath, forced a smile. Wowow, not bad huh.

有点鸡手鸭脚,该摆上怎样的姿势才好?Lacking sense of posting. LOL

Then, I was exshausted.

无论如何,我还是用我的傻瓜相机照了些像样的照片哦 :p
Well, I still took a few nice shoots with my compact digital camera ;p

Without Lim Me's Nasi Lemak, I found something else here. Another great memory with some new buddies, what else ^_^